…perfection as drive. Performance as a concept. Exclusivity as a claim. This four-note address by the BMW M apologists sums up the briefing for the new BMW M website very well. In early summer 2016 we set out to create a new paradise for the desire for smoking asphalt, TwinPower turbocharged engines and enhanced leather upholstery in champagne. It became a close race.
A new paradise for petrol heads.
The website should look muscular and well-trained. We wanted to nip the build-up of fat in the form of nested secondary navigation and overflowing copy texts in the bud. Bold images and fast-paced video loops for the M fans, pointed facts and expert product presentations for the buyers. Crowned by an online magazine to play the entire gasoline-in-blood keyboard. After all, we also wanted to inspire the M community.
A team without fear or blame.
Ich verantwortete die kreative Konzeption der Website, das Schreiben von Texten, die wöchentlichen bis täglichen Abstimmungen mit dem Kunden, die Entwicklung neuer Content-Formate, die Erstellung von Redaktions- und Produktionsplänen sowie die operative Leitung der Kreation auf diesem Projekt, das für mich kurz nach Ostern 2017 mit dem Launch der Website zu Ende ging. Das Team bestand zum Glück aus einigen der Besten, die ich kenne.